About Astigmatism and Acuvue Contact Lenses For Astigmatism

An astigmatism is a common vision problem that can occur in children and adults. It does not matter whether the patient is nearsighted or farsighted, or wears glasses or contact lenses, because astigmatism can affect anyone. Fortunately, astigmatism is easily corrected. A simple prescription for glasses or contact lenses for astigmatism will solve the problem.

An astigmatism is caused due to an uneven or oddly shaped cornea. The cornea is supposed to be spherical, however it appears more oblong or oval when an astigmatism is present. The most traditional cause of astigmatism is due to DNA – in other words, it is hereditary. Other causes include an eye injury that results in scarring on the cornea, certain eye surgeries, and thinning of the cornea. An astigmatism produces slightly blurred vision, and when left uncorrected, can cause headaches and eye strain.

It is important to schedule regular annual eye exams because it can worsen over time, so it is necessary to keep a close watch and adjust prescriptions for glasses or contact lenses as needed. Both glasses and contact lenses are usually suitable corrections for an astigmatism. Sometimes, it is so severe that contact lenses cannot be used, however, that is not normally the case.

In the past, contact lens wearers with an astigmatism had few options. One option was to go back to wearing glasses. Another option was to wear less comfortable hard or rigid gas permeable lenses. The other choice was to simply live with it, risking the adverse effects of headaches and strain on the eye.

Today, the Acuvue brand offers two great options for contact lens wearers suffering from astigmatism. The contact lenses for astigmatism that are available today are called toric lenses. While toric lenses are formed out of the same materials as regular lenses, the design of the lens is different. They do not move around or rotate on the eye. They are specially designed to stay in place when you move your eyes to look around.

One of the contact lenses for astigmatism that sufferers can purchase are Acuvue Advance for Astigmatism. These lenses are made with Hydraclear technology which makes the lenses feel more comfortable and keeps the eye from drying out as easily. They also have a special element called Accelerated Stabilization Design, which is a design characteristic featuring the edges of the lens. The lens is consistently thin around the edge, which allows less movement of the lens when the wearer blinks.

A newer option offered by Acuvue are the Oasys for astigmatism lenses. Like the Advance lenses, the Oasys lenses also feature Accelerated Stabilization Design. The lens is automatically properly repositioned should it move out of place. These lenses also feature the same Hydraclear technology. They can be worn continuously for six nights and seven days because they allow more oxygen to permeate the lens.

The costs associated with having an exam for astigmatism and needing contact lenses for astigmatism are greater than those for regular lens wearers. The eye exam is more costly because it takes the practitioner longer and requires additional precise measurements to be taken. The lenses themselves are also more expensive because they are more complex, however the convenience and correction they provide is worth it to many consumers.

Looking for Acuvue Oasys for astigmatism contacts? Then shop online for massive savings on acuvue astigmatism contacts and other types of contact lenses when compared to retail prices.