Contact Lens Fitting

The prescription you receive at the end of your eye exam can be used for eyeglasses only. If you are interested in contact lens you should let your doctor know at the time you make the appointment so he can also set up the proper equipment.

Successful contact lens wear requires a good relationship between the fitter that can be an optician or an ophthalmologist and you, the wearer.

The process of a contact lens fitting involves several steps. The first step involves an interview to determine your preferences and habits so that the optician has an idea of the most appropriate types of lenses for you that suites your lifestyle.

The second step is you eye exam, during which the optician measures the surface of your eye for reflecting the ocular surface quality and the corneal curvature. The instrument used to make the proper measures is called an keratometer. This is the starting point to determine the proper curve and size for your contact lenses. Some eyes are too steep, while others are too flat. Wrongly chosen contacts can lead to the damage of cornea The exam may also include additional computerized measurements of your eyes that let your doctor see the curve of the entire front surface of your eyes. The measurement of your eye’s pupil and iris help to ensure the right sizing and positioning of your contact lens.

Many contact lenses fittings include an evaluation of the tear film. The fact that your eyes are too dry or too wet can influence extended wear of contact lenses. Actually there are special solutions like contact moistening.

As a last step, trial lenses should be applied to your eyes and evaluated with a special instrument in order to observe the fit of the lenses and their movement with each blink. The type of the lenses that you try depends on the result of your examination and your preferences. The fitter then fits the correct lenses for your eyes and your needs and teaches you how to use and care for them.

After your vision and comfort are both satisfied, the doctor will write your lens prescription. You may have from one to three follow-up visits depending on how well your eyes adapt to the new lenses. The fitter should be available if problems develop; if not available, the fitter must then have system in place to address those situations. After your contact lens fitting is complete you should have your eyes and contact lenses examined at least once per year.

Remember that while using contact lenses you must follow the instructions, care for, and wear the lenses correctly, and return as required for routine and emergency care.

Problems resulting from contact lens wear range from the inability to remove the lenses to blindness from infections. That is why proper fitting, instruction, care and maintenance can prevent most problems.

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