Contact Lens – Cure For Dry Eyes

The advent of modern day technology have helped develop more convenient and more protective contacts, causing more and more people each day to opt to contacts than the traditional eyeglasses. But the convenience of using contacts can’t be used by every one right away, for there are lots of factors to consider before wearing corrective contacts.

People with healthy eyes always have forms of layer of tears under the contacts, tears is important to keep the eye hydrated, and clean. People with dry eyes however, should not wear contact lens, as it can be very painful when the eyes starts to dry and the lens starts feeling like sand in your eyes.

There are several factors that cause or can be attributed to eye dryness. One reason is that, some people simply generate less tears than normal, or their tear’s chemical composition is inadequate. Usually, less tears is caused by ageing.

Another thing that causes dry eyes is the environment. People who works inside air-conditioned or over-heated room, exposed to dust, smoke and wind will feel their eyes dry. Those people who are sitting in front of the computers all day can also feel their eyes to dry, as they tend to blink less. Blinking is very important to wet the eyes and keep it hydrated.

Now, if you are asking if contact lenses can cause your eyes to dry, the answer is yes. Why? Simply because though contact lens is sometimes even made up to 70% water, the moist in the eyes will evaporate from the lens as the day progress. It is the lens that will absorb most of your tears, causing you to dry your eyes. Basically, the more water the contacts has, the more likely for it to lose moisture.

The solution for this problem is using soft contact lens. Those contacts that are made up of 30% water is perfect for dry eyes problem. Contacts that are made up of silicon hydrogel and new polymers are good to help keep moisture in the eyes.

The Author is an expert in article writing and has done a lot of research online and offline. Come visit his latest websites on Cheap Contact Lens and Acuvue Color Contacts.