Contact Lens Cases

Contact lens wearers have always focused on the selection and fitting of their contact lenses. However, with the exception of perhaps selecting a ‘nifty’ color, less attention is paid by many to the lens case in which their contacts will… Read moreContact Lens Cases

Colored Contacts For Every Day Use?

Many people who are interested in getting colored contacts aren’t sure of how and when they can use them. Let’s try to clear up some of the confusion and set the facts straight.

Contact Lenses For Personalized Needs

People may need customized contact lenses if they have special eyes or high astigmatism, or they just need additional comfort and particular clear vision. Both RGPs and soft lenses are available for people’s personalized needs.

Kids and Contacts

When it comes to children wearing contact lenses, there are certain questions that arise. Among them: At what age can children begin wearing contacts safely? When do they become responsible enough to accept and handle the regimen necessary for maintaining… Read moreKids and Contacts