Several years ago, I discovered 1Day Acuvue contacts and I had worn them since then. Now I have never felt any discomfort from these contacts, manufactured by Johnson& Johnson. I think I will use these products in all rest of my life.
It is true that I seldom spend time in searching of some new contacts, but I do have suffered from some discomfort in wearing other lenses. Luckily, when I begin to use 1 Day Acuvue, what I feel is freshness, comfort, and happiness. Even though I have changed so many pairs, my feeling does not change.
It is true that I have to dispose a pair of such contact everyday. I have spent a very long time to get used to this occasion. But I think it is essential to do so for the following reasons.
Wearing these contacts will cause no infection in my eyes. Of courses, as their names indicate, I need not to maintain these contacts every day. What I can do is to get a new pair and throw the older one away.
These contacts have very long expiration time if I do not open and use them.
In addition to 1day Avuvue, Acuvue Moist has also provided me with great comfort and freshness. Compared with 1Day, Moist Series can keep much longer comfort and freshness.
Of course, the moist series are ideal for people with dry eyes. Any way, 1 Day acuvue is price to value. Though it seems that these contacts are expensive, but no cleaning systems are needed. That has relatively reduced the cost.